What is Right Side Paralysis? Treatment of Right Side Paralysis

13/08/2024by Engin Çakar

Right side paralysis happens as the result of stroke happened in the left hemisphere of brain. We answered the questions of what right side paralysis is, which symptoms are seen in case of right- hemiplegia and how is the treatment of right side Paralysis for you.

Our brain is consisted of two hemispheres as right and left. Each hemisphere has a definite function. Left hemisphere is more verbal and analytic in comparison with the right and named as “digital brain”. Left hemisphere has many functions like analytical thinking, naming, categorizing and mathematically calculating. Both hemispheres of our brain are in communication to perform the vital functions. 

Brain injury caused by brain embolism or brain hemorrhage is called as “stroke”. The stroke which happens in the left hemisphere of the brain reveals itself in the left half of the body as partial muscle weakness (hemiparesis) or complete muscle weakness (hemiplegia). Right arm, right leg and right face muscles may be affected in case of the damage on the left hemisphere of the brain.  

What are the Symptoms of Right Side Paralysis?

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The left hemisphere of the brain controls the right half of the body. If the stroke happens in the left hemisphere of the brain, right half of the body is affected and some or all the symptoms below are seen:

  • Paralysis or weakness in the right side of the body
  • Visual disorders or loss
  • Problems in understanding language
  • Speech and language disorders (aphasia)
  • Disorders in identifying objects (agnosia)
  • Deterioration in the abilities of mathematical calculations, organizing items, reasoning and analyzing
  • Deterioration in the ability of reading, writing and learning new information
  • Behavioral alterations like depression,
  • Problems of recollection and memory

Right Side Paralysis Treatment

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Physical therapy and rehabilitation, and especially neuro-rehabilitation, are used to re-teach the abilities which disappear suddenly in the person whose brain is partially damaged. Stroke rehabilitation (neuro-rehabilitation) is a teamwork and it is needed to be performed in the physical therapy clinics which have specialized in this branch. In case of stroke rehabilitation, it is important to protect the individual from potential medical problems besides the paralysis treatment.

In the treatment of paralysis, the physical therapy and rehabilitation program should contain applications which are carefully directed and well-oriented. The treatment program should be specialized to relearn and apply the abilities which are deteriorated by stroke, like muscle weakness, coordination deficiency, problems in walking, sensory loss, problems in hand grip, visual loss, speech or understanding difficulties. 

 Robotic Rehabilitation and Paralysis Treatment

robotik fizik tedavi

As technology advances, new therapeutic approaches continue to ensue in neuro-rehabilitation. Robotic physical therapy devices have an important place in stroke rehabilitation.

Thanks to robotic rehabilitation, visual, auditory and physical feedback can be provided to the patient about the movement they performed. In this way the patients are informed about how they are successful in the move they made, and their motivation increases thanks to this. Robotic rehabilitation devices are an important component of stroke treatment. 

Robotic Bed and Paralysis Treatment

It is important to bring the patient to upright position as early as possible. Thanks to this, the patient’s consciousness increases, the lost functions are regained, and the pressure sores (bed sores) are prevented. With Robotic Bed Erigo Pro, the patients are brought to the upright position gradually while their pulse is followed-up. Besides, legs of the robotic bed contribute to the relearning of walking by applying the movements which resemble walking. 

Hand-Arm Robot and Paralysis Treatment

Hand-Arm Robot Armeo Power is a robotic rehabilitation device which is used in case of functional disorders of shoulder, elbow and hand and which aims to increase the ability of arm and hand. Armeo Power is a kind of robotic physical therapy device which can be used in loss and disorders of movement in hand and arm from the early period after stroke and which ensures participation in the early period. 

Gait Robot and Paralysis Treatment

With the Gait Robot Lokomat Pro, which is frequently used in robotic rehabilitation, it is possible to make the patient regain walking. Thanks to the device, the body weight of the patient is supported, and the robotic system reteaches the correct walking pattern to the patient. With the Gait Robot Lokomat Pro, the patient can be made stand afoot and the movements most similar to natural walking can be realized. 

Body weight of the patient can be decreased up to 80 % with Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill. Thanks to this, the patient is enabled to walk early with less weight and without pain. Walking performance of the patient is increased. 

Computerized Balance Device and Paralysis Treatment

Computerized balance device is an advanced tech-system which has benefits like regulating balance problems, increasing muscle tonus, preventing fall and in which fall risk assessment for the patients can be done. 

by Engin Çakar

Memorial Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center Department Head Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar specializes in stroke and brain injury, neurorehabilitation, and algology.

Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar

Prof. Dr. Engin ÇAKAR, has more than 20 years of experience in the rehabilitation of Stroke and Brain Injury.

Why U.S?

Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center is a technologically equipped center that offers solutions to many ailments such as paralysis, brain damage, pain and knee diseases.

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