Why Does Speech Disorder Occur After Brain Hemorrhage?

16/08/2024by Engin Çakar

Speech disorder can be a result of the brain hemorrhage. Brain hemorrhage happens when there is a rupture in the brain vessels and spread of the blood into the internal tissues of the brain. Because of the pressure on the brain tissues in the area where the bleeding spreads, brain cells start to lose their functions. 10-15% of stroke-paralysis cases which are observed happen because of brain hemorrhage. According to the area where the bleeding occurs, the clinical situation of the patients is also shaped.

The left lobe of the brain contains the speech area. In the cases where bleeding in the brain is observed in the left lobe, speech disorder may ensue.

Why Does Speech Disorder Occur?

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Because of the damage occurred at the speech center

There are two areas connected to the speech center in brain. These two areas are Broca and Wernicke. Aphasia may happen when Broca region gets damaged. Individuals with aphasia have difficulty in forming words and expressing themselves. With the damage on the Wernicke area, patients may have difficulty in understanding and interpreting spoken and written language.

Brain Edema

As a result of a brain hemorrhage, edema may happen in the bleeding area and the nearby areas. The pressure inside the brain increases with this edema. Brain edema may cause progression of the speech disorder by affecting the speech areas.

Stroke – Paralysis

A stroke happens because of a brain hemorrhage or brain embolism. In the event of the situation, which is commonly named as paralysis and which cause weakness in one half of the body, speech difficulty may also be seen. The impact on the speech muscles may cause this situation. 

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Cognitive Disorder

Brain hemorrhage may cause cognitive problems which affect memory, cautiousness and coordination ability, and ability to understand and solve a problem. Cognitive problems may also cause speech disorder because they affect the ability to understand and solve a problem.

 Problems in Swallowing

 Brain hemorrhage may affect the brain areas that are responsible for the function of swallowing. Because of this, swallowing and speech disorder may ensue.

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Life quality of the patients with speech disorder after hemorrhage is also affected negatively. The patients may have difficulty in expressing themselves and telling their needs. This causes psychological wearing off and stress in the patients. Thus, it is inevitable to receive professional support for the individuals with speech disorder.

Therapy and Rehabilitation

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In brain hemorrhage treatment, a comprehensive therapy program should be created by a multidisciplinary team. In the comprehensive treatment plan prepared according to the special needs of the patients, patients with speech disorder should receive language and speech therapy.  Supporting patients with speech disorder with language and speech therapy methods is quite important for development of the language skills they have lost. 

Brain hemorrhage is a serious health problem which is seen in the world quite commonly. Speech disorder which may ensue due to this situation forces the patients quite a lot. As in every health problem, early diagnosis and treatment is also important in this case. With a comprehensive physical therapy and rehabilitation process initiated in the early period, patients can regain their lost functions and the treatment process can be more efficient.

Engin Çakar

Memorial Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center Department Head Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar specializes in stroke and brain injury, neurorehabilitation, and algology.

Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar

Prof. Dr. Engin ÇAKAR, has more than 20 years of experience in the rehabilitation of Stroke and Brain Injury.

Why U.S?

Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center is a technologically equipped center that offers solutions to many ailments such as paralysis, brain damage, pain and knee diseases.

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